Wenqiang Du’s and others seminar paper on the mechanism driving Placenta Accreta Spectrum is now in Nature Communications.
Here is the link to the article.
Placenta accreta is a rapidly rising disease in pregnant women, and is strongly correlated with previous cesarean surgeries. It has grown hundreds of folds in the last few decades, and can lead to severe hemorrehage. The placenta (which is a fetal organ) can even invade into the mother’s abdomen, bleeding her fatally.
This is one of the first mechanistic studies demonstrating how the presence of cesarean scar leads to higher chances of accreta by increasing the recruitment of trophoblasts to the scar. The dogma till date has been that the scar leaves and empty road for placental cells to invade into. Our paper suggests that the scar remains acellular, more or less, else it would have been populated by maternal cells also. Instead, the scar biomechanically transforms the endometrial cells near to it, which then increase recruitment of trophoblasts towards it, leading to accreta.
Wenqiang has delved into the key signaling pathways which lead to this transformation, particularly the activation of Piezo1 mechanosensory ion channel in the decidual fibroblasts, which lead to the inflammatory transformation of these cells. Here is the article.
A big achievement!