Certain mammals do not suffer from malignancy of epithelia derived cancers. Curiously, these mammals also have a very different “non invasive” placentation during pregnancy. Together with Gunter Wagner, we have established the ELI (Evolved Levels of Invasibility) hypothesis. ELI posits that evolution of non-invasive placentation is a stromal innovation achieved by increased stromal resistance to invasion.
Based on ELI, we have used comparative placental invasion as a “physiologically normal model” to test the stromal response to cancer/placental invasion.
Key Findings
- Cows exhibit very low cancer malignancy vs humans. We have shown that this effect is a “stromal” phenomenon. Cow stroma has evolved to become highly resistant to invasion to prevent placental invasion during pregnancy. A secondary effect is that the stroma also prevents cancer metastasis. (Kshitiz et al., Nature EE, 2019)

- Genes that have changed with the evolution of non-invasive placentation have a significant bearing on human cancers. The evolved stromal changes in the endometrium can inform us about stromal control of human carcinomas, particularly melanoma, and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. (Suhail Y et al., PNAS, 2022; Liu S et al., Cancers, 2022).

Relevant Publications
- Dighe A, Maziarz J, Ibrahim-Hasin A, Gatenby RA, Kshitiz, Levchenko A, Wagner GP (2024), Experimental and phylogenetic evidence for correlated gene expression evolution in endometrial and skin fibroblasts, iScience 27(1), 108593.
- Liu S, Suhail Y, Novin A, Perpetua L, Kshitiz (2022). Metastatic Transition of Pancreatic Ductal Cell Adenocarcinoma is Accompanied by the Emergence of Pro-Invasive Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts, Cancers, 14(9), 2197.
- Suhail Y, Maziarz J.D., Novin A, Dighe A, Afzal J, Wagner G, Kshitiz (2022). Tracing the cis-regulatory changes underlying the endometrial control of placental invasion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(6).
- Wagner GP±, Kshitiz, Dighe A, Levchenko A (2021). The Coevolution of Placentation and Cancer, Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 10, 259-279.
- Suhail Y, Afzal J, Kshitiz (2021). Evolved Resistance to Placental Invasion Secondarily Confers Increased Survival in Melanoma Patients, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(595).
- Novin A, Suhail Y, Ajeti V, Goyal R, Wali K, Seck A, Jackson A, Kshitiz (2021). Diversity in cancer invasion phenotypes indicates specific stroma regulated programs, Human Cell, 34(1), 111-121.
- Wagner G, Kshitiz, Levchenko A (2020). Comments on Boddy et al., 2020: Available data suggests positive relationship between placental invasion and malignancy, Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health, 1, 211-214.
- Kshitiz±, Afzal J, Maziarz JD, Hamidzadeh A, Liang C, Erkenbrack EM, Ham H, Haeger, JD, Pfarrer C, Hoang T, Ott T, Spencer T, Pavlicev M, Antczak D, Levchenko A±, Wagner GP± (2019). The Evolution of Placental Invasion and Cancer Metastasis are Causally Linked, Nature Ecology and Evolution (Accepted). ±: Corresponding Authors