
Biology rhymes with recurrent themes. We aim to identify where the same rhyme fits normally, and where it stands out as a pathology. An example is the deep placental invasion into the uterus during pregnancy —- a normal phenomenon, which is quite similar to cancer dissemination and metastasis.
We look for similar “rhymes” focusing on 3 different physiologies: (i) cancer microenvironment, (ii) maternal fetal interface, and (iii) the heart.
In recent years, this approach has guided us to harness the evolutionary adaptations in mammalian placentation to understand human diseases from new perspectives, and identify cures for them.
In addition, our group has a particular interest in Mechanotransduction, and Regulation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 signaling in cancers.



Yamin Liu awarded AHA fellowship

Yamin Liu is awarded the highly prestigious pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association. She will be working on “Systematic Investigation of Paracrine Cross-talk between

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Our lab uses and develops biomedical tools to specifically answer biological questions we are interested in. We have specialized assays developed in house, as well as use a variety of tools developed elsewhere, which we customize for our collaborative research.